Roofing Contractors Naperville IL – Joseph-James Enterprises, Inc. – Call 630-882-9244

Unsure if your home is ready for a roof replacement? It can be somewhat difficult to know with certainty, particularly if you don’t have a lot of experience in roofing  To help in your decision, keep reading for some signs you should probably contact Roofing Contractors Naperville IL near me like Joseph-James Enterprises. (Remember that regular maintenance will help you steer clear of major problems with your roof and related components like your gutter system later on.)

Light is Streaming Into Your Attic
Start by going upstairs to your attic. Can you detect light coming in through the support beams? A small amount of light coming through the soffit and ridge vents is normal. But check for any water stains and watch if they get larger over time. If you already see large water stains and a lot of light coming in, it may be the right time to call Roofing Contractors Naperville IL for a new roof.

Roofing Contractors Naperville IL

Roofing Contractors Naperville IL

Your Roof is Over 20 Years Old
This is the point when it’s smart for homeowners to start planning for a new roof. Asphalt shingle roofs are typically ready for replacement or at least in need of some repairs when they get to their 20th birthday. Calling an insured and licensed roofing professional might be the easiest and quickest to determine your roof’s age. Or, prior to doing that, simply reach out to the home’s previous owner, or their real estate agent, to inquire about the age of the roof. This seller’s disclosure document typically contains details about the property’s condition.

If the roof on your home was replaced fairly recently, you might be able to locate the contractor who did the job. If you don’t have any records of it or the work was done prior to your ownership of the house, you could also try contacting local nearby roofing companies to see if they have records of it.

Check the condition of the roof to estimate its age. Look for signs like broken or chipped tiles (if it’s a slate, tile or clay roof), or curling shingles and missing granules (if you have an asphalt roof). If you’re purchasing a home, be sure to inquire about the installation date of the roof before proceeding. And, be aware of the warning signs the roof may need replacement. Otherwise, there’s the risk you might end up paying for one before you’re prepared ready

Curling Shingles
As mentioned a couple paragraphs above, this is a clue to watch out for. Take a close look at the shingles on the roof. Are they curling at the edges? Shingles often have a tendency to curl either at their edges or in the middle. When this starts occurring, the shingles are no longer doing their job effectively. It can leave you at risk of a roof leak that leads to water damage to ceiling, walls, support rafters, joists and floor beams. As soon as shingle curling is noticeable, keep an eye out for water damage. You’ll probably want to contact our professional Roofing Contractors Naperville IL soon for an inspection.

Roofing Contractors Naperville IL

Storm Damage? Call for Roofing Repair at 630-882-9244

Granules Piling Up in the Gutters
If you go to clean out your home’s gutter system and discover granules collecting inside them, it might be time to contact our experienced Roofing Contractors Naperville IL to get a detailed assessment of your roof’s condition.

Granules are the stone particles and other materials are on top of the shingles. They are made to help shield your roof against excessive sun, wind and rain damage. If the roof is fairly new and you’re seeing loose granules, it’s probably not a serious issue. That’s part of new installation that typically improves over time. If your roof is more than 10 years old, however, call Roofing Contractors Naperville IL for an inspection.