New Siding St. Charles IL – Joseph-James Enterprises, Inc. – Call 630-882-9244

The siding on your home is meant to be a layer that shields it against the weather. However, very expensive and long-term problems can develop if your siding is aging, needs repair, or has not been maintained. Here are some warning signs to look out for when assessing if your home is due for New Siding St. Charles IL installed by our reputable company.

Your Home Needs Frequent Repainting

If your paint is peeling and chipping away within two or three years, it’s an indication that your siding needs repair or possibly replacement with New Siding St. Charles IL.

High Cost of Heating and Cooling

Siding provides critical insulation from a wide range of temperatures. Are your heating and cooling costs escalating lately? If they are a lot higher than they were last years, it signals that you probably need New Siding St. Charles IL.

New Siding St. Charles IL

New Siding St. Charles IL

Rotting and Deterioration

A simple inspection will show where your siding is rotting or misshapen. Use a sharp object to test under the siding, check around to identify softening layers that should be removed and replaced.

Cracks on the Siding, Or Parts of the Siding Coming Off

Cracks on larger sections of your home’s siding are a common indicator that it is time to replace it. Without addressing the issue, severe problems with water leakage are likely to occur.

Mold and Fungus Growth

Growth on the external surfaces of your siding means that water seepage is ongoing. Not all varieties of mold are cause for immediate worry, but you should get it inspected by a professional.

Interior Paint Peeling
Paint and wallpaper on the interior surfaces of your home that is chipping and peeling away could warn that your siding isn’t doing an adequate job of keeping out moisture.

Siding Looks Faded

Siding that is not retaining its color is a sign that it is losing its weather resistance and no longer at its best. Most features on a home have a life expectancy, so older siding simply is not going to perform as well as new siding does when it comes to keeping out moisture and the elements.

New Siding St. Charles IL

When bubbles start to form underneath the siding on your home, it is a sure sign that water is seeping in and becoming trapped. This certainly indicates that the siding should be promptly replaced. After all, siding is made to prevent moisture from getting in your home rather than trapping it inside of it.

Puncture Holes
The sight of holes and gaps on your siding is yet another indication that moisture is finding a way in. Even fairly small holes can cause a lot of lasting damage if they are not promptly taken care of.

Dry Rotting

Dry rot developing under the surface of your siding is an alarming clue that most of its protective material has been eroded. This requires New Siding St. Charles IL by our experienced installers. When your siding is functioning at its peak effectiveness, it not only helps your home look good, it means it’s also protecting it from the often very harsh elements of nature. Replacing or fixing your siding whenever it shows signs of disrepair will keep your home looking new and well-maintained.

Joseph-James Enterprises, at 630-882-9244, is ready to partner with you on your next home improvement project! For a consultation and free quote for your roofing, gutters, or New Siding St. Charles IL, call us today! When it comes to choosing the best siding company in the Fox Valley region, it’s all about trust and experience. You’ll partner directly with the Joseph-James team, and we assure fair pricing and helpful advice along with our many years of proven results and reliable customer care!